I have known some cities and I can name them all, cities large, and cities small, cities of the plain, cities of the sky, cities that sit where mountains split to draw the painter's eye, cities of day, cities of night, eternal cities, cities of light, cities of sand, cities of dust, cities of rivers, red as rust I have known some cities where pastel skies hang above asphalt cries, where lips of dust whisper lies to tenements and slums that rise like tarnished filigree embracing its diamond I have lived in cities piled up on the edge of forever, like last-chance casinos where snarling natives wait behind the gate to fold, spindle and mutilate I have seen cities where peddlers of fashion and bloodless passion raise panopticons of pity, while purveyors of praise surround themselves with perfect sun, perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect days. I have lived in cities and learned to despise the oiled shoulders and screaming thighs, the fan boys with their velvet claws, the sycophants and hangers-on, the curious passing by I am weary of cities where housewives live in desperation's shadow, draping their days with plans to escape their timid men battling the uncertainty lurking below their tan-lines I walk alone the darkened streets and listen to the shuffle of anonymous feet as shadows of the city fall on concrete and slowly spread out over the land, pressing down over cornfields, brown with rust, across fence posts in long rows, standing transfixed in sockets of inexhaustible corrosion, along pine groves fronting summer lakes where moonlight once frosted apples, across flooded river lands, the farms and quarries, small towns with a single church, swallowing every cathedral of solitude I have ever known, cities that gather like moisture waiting for rain to take shape, ghost towns of the heart, dry ice in a desert landscape.
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I agree with Jefferdman. The imagery is astounding. Love this piece Paul.♥️