Sep 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

There’s that question in the whispered words at the end. I know you - but how can that be?

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Your poem is one of many sand crystals that when held radiates a sparkle in the eyes . Not really a quandary. But an erosion of time that wears down the rock to the essence of a moment.

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Thank you, Richard—words drop as grains of sand to grow the beach that awaits every hope searching for a harbor.

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Sep 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

This is so eloquent in its brevity, Paul. Ah, the mysteries of life.

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Thank you, Rod—Yes, life is full of mysteries.

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Sep 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Nice poem. I would tell it to my wife, but she would think I have ulterior motives, and she would be right.

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Surprise the little lady, Sir! Get real creative, create a moment in time neither of you expected, be evocative and mysterious tell her she’ll have to wait and see, tension works at times when adventure is in the air!

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She will have to wait and see

and that, Lady Geraldine,

is the quandary

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I think this “girly song” kinda fits the mood.

Carly Simon said:

We can never know about the days to come

but we think about them anyway

And I wonder if I’m really with you now

or just chasing after some finer day

Anticipation anticipation

Is making me late

It’s keeping me waiting

And I tell you how easy it feels

to be with you

And how right your arms

feel around me

But I, I rehearsed those

words just late last night

When I was thinking

about how right tonight

might be

Anticipation anticipation

Is making me late

It’s keeping me waiting

And tomorrow we might

not be together

I’m no prophet Lord, I

don’t know natures


So I’ll try, to see into

your eyes right now

And stay right here

‘cause these are the

good old days

These are the good

old days

Carly Simon


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What am I?

Unreachable, yet close at hand,

A phantom kiss on distant sand.

Unknown, but etched upon the mind,

A paradox of humankind.

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Wonderful, Gloria—thank you!

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You are welcome.

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Thanks to @Buku Sarkar for sharing this.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Your poem has a very intense rhythm, with profound messages. I stuck to these lines

"But how is it

I remember


Because I once met a child whose grandfather had died before she was born and she told me countless times that she missed her grandfather. I was always fascinated by this story

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That is fascinating, Rolando

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This is a very elusive poem and could even be about an encounter with a lady or a lover in another lifetime, such is the intriguing way it's written.

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Lovely poetry

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Sep 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Painful truths.

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Thank you for stopping by to read and comment, Buku.

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Sep 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I had a future memory this weekend. It's so strange. It was remembering something that never happened.

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So, when it does happen, Elizabeth, you’ll know exactly what to do.

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WOW, short but oh so sweet. I love the question at the end --that was brilliant!

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Glad you like it, C.J.

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Sep 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

The longing for a home...I never knew...

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I think you’re on to something, Sure—Thank you!

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Thanks for the restack, @Jenn !

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Thanks to @Rod Bluhm for restacking this!

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