Love that bit about the glance being like a discarded cigarette and the fires. That's good stuff, thanks.

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Thanks for stopping by, Wes. I don’t know where this came. It was just a distinct conversation I heard in my head and I just transcribed it. Mighta been the pork belly I had for dinner!

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Ha! or "a fragment of an underdone potato."

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“Where are my shoes?” Made this so real. They need each other and know it!

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I think you're right, Diane

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An honest look at the back and forth of going forward.

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Spicy! And still sweet underneath.

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Thanks, Mike

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I wonder what would have happened if the conversation hadn’t ended in OK

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Excellent. Kids (at any age) testing bonds and boundaries.

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Obrigado pela visita, Berkana. Espero que você esteja bem.

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Thank you

I’m doing my best here ✨

Looking for the half full cup everyday ❣️

I wish you a good week , my love

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I miss you old man

Thinking about you all my weekend ❤️


Te encho de beijinhos

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Ms Berkana, Ola Namorada! I believe you will find a full cup. No half measures for you!

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“... a future that was already residing...” I have noticed your penchant for opposing dialogue, situations, emotions that I like very much and that give an edginess to your poetry... good writing my friend!!!

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Thank you, Michael!

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I know this moment

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My God, someone's been listening to the challenging moments I have with my girlfriend...indifference is a loaded gun. Though I hate it, I spend time away so we can both get over ourselves!!

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Thank you, Mark - Hope all is well with you!

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Paul, I'm certainly no expert but this relationship sounds toxic to me.

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Won’t last will they. Great scene though. I feel I’ve overheard it.

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It sounds to me like it won’t last, that familiarity has already bred a kind of contempt that will only grow worse.

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The first sentence sealed it.

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Yes, that sets the stage pretty well but I’m not certain the conversation that follows was what I had intended at the outset, if I had intended anything at all. It just came

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The unholy word in every breakup though: ‘commitment’. You nailed it. For many, undefined, but filled with meaning. Willingness to claim a shared future.

You’re very intuitive Paul.

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Sounds like one of those, “Can’t live with you, can’t live without you!” relationships we all know as a familiar...

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Yes, it does sound like that, doesn’t it?

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Thanks for the restack, @Stirling S Newberry

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