Wow - what a first post!

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Thank you, Tamsin. People sometimes ask what my process is for writing and this is as close as I can get to explaining it.

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger


Beginnings can be so many things…good and bad. THIS was good!

I found myself lost in your words, searching for an answer to a question I didn't know.

I loved this…

“Perhaps this starts with a thought, a feeling, a tingling of nerves playing themselves out in waves that wash from the top of the head to the tips of the feet? Is it like a hand passing over a smooth surface until it hits a bump or snag then stops to explore why it’s there and what it means?”

Thanks for sharing…such a talent.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, Pam

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This post reminds me of a poem by Hermann Hesse, containing the following famous lines:

"and each beginning bears a special magic

protecting us and helping us to live,"

Thank you for these explorations 🙏 💕

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Thank you, Veronika—I’ve always felt writing was one of the best avenues for exploring those deep interior spaces that exist inside us.

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That was a hell of a kick off!

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Thanks, Wes. Let me know when that book is available!

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I’m going to post on Substack to see how many want a signed hardcover, regular unsigned hardcover, paperback or Ebook.

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Signed hardcover here, Wes

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I missed the beginning, but I am glad I stumbled upon your words, Paul.

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Thank you for staying—Grateful that you did, Fotini.

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Such a good first post. Happy you've shared this again. Thought-provoking throughout even if these are questions I've pondered myself when trying to start a new piece or try out a new style for the first time.

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Thank you, Daniel. I’ve said this before but here it is again: this is as close as I can get to something that describes my “process,” whatever that means.

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

In the beginning was the word…

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So it has been said, Joshua

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Couldn’t help it… I like your version better!

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I think the Word was created out of the same ground of Nothing from which everything is created

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Write the beginning last.

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Words are pregnant with meaning—I am not sure who said that, but your poetry is pregnant with meaning which requires me to re-read. 💙

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Thank you, Diane—Grateful as always for your support.

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

The seeds of genius!

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Thank you, Stan.

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Whoa. Hellava lot of deep thought here. Requires multiple reads. Love it!

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Thank you, rena!

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

“I am waiting for something, but I do not yet know what that something is or how and when it will arrive. I am annoyed with the waiting, always waiting. I live constantly with the not-knowing, with uncertainty, and the waiting.”

This is wonderful, Paul. Your paragraph above describes my presence state of mind. You certainly come along way since the first post, amazing accomplishments. Gracious in your thanks.

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It is often the state of mind I find myself in, especially when I write. If you feel it, too, sometimes, I guess I’m not alone. Thanks, Sea

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

This filled my soul, Paul.

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Thank you for being here, Maureen,

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Oh my. This is marvelous.

Your way of sharing flows so well into so many of us. I very much like this poetry blended into prose style of your thoughts.

Are you like this on the outside as people sit with you?

Write more.

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Thank you, Teyani. In a sense I am very much what I write and Beginnings is about as much as I can say about my writing process.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 22Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Wonderful. Thank you for sharing this aspect of yourself. I am aware of how much of “me” is shown through my writing, and it is very possible that people who read my work know me more deeply than those who do not.

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I think that can be true, Teyani.

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Jun 21Liked by Paul Wittenberger

oh my! another oh my piece that resonates exquisitely

it fits beginnings, without altering a seam, for many chapters, transitions of our lives that life may set before us; such as losing a home of decades due to greed trimmed housing increases. And this needing to begin in a new land, suitcase in hand. How does one begin anew, again. word by word. step by step and letting self doubt judgements fall in tears that clearing the next breath to walk on.

I love this piece Paul! It certainly opened up a story I know intimately of ‘how to begin’?

thank you for the journey

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Wonderful comment, Alix—Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this

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As the kids say, "Noice!" 😊

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Tanks, Mary

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