Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

It’s a great poem but the last line is killer, “Or the crows that steal our secrets

and hide them in the desert caves of desire”.

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You know that crows will steal anything? Thanks, Stan

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I find myself pondering the poetic parallels you draw between the subtle transformations occurring in the natural world and those within our own hearts and souls.

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I often feel those parallels, A.M.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

“The crows that steal our secrets..” what a tremendous phrase. Our bodies surely are transparent, and dreams so full of possibilities.

Thank you Paul.

(Ps. It’s wonderful for the non poetic types like myself to be able to interact with the author. )

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Thank you for your comments, and thank you for being here, Teyani

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Winters wind drags the feet to furrow the snow. Imagine my plow to toss aside the drifts, to clear a path that the wind blows words back to me of night blooming jasmine scent that wafts through my nose—a fragrance returned with the wind and a secret desire one night.

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I sometimes feel the wind blows words back at me and past me making me chase after something I never quite grasp.

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Yes Paul. Snow word drifts piled high , fill in the spaces. No matter , the drift will melt and words revealed but you got to figure out how to collect the runoff water ways to form another masterpiece.

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I will take words from a crowded house and “try to catch the deluge in a paper cup”

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Yes. A reverie . A cup that will runoff on its own, spill over a falls with sentences wrapped as rapids that veer off rocks. But like a good stream calm down to be heard in silence to float a paper cup like a raft for a dragonfly to land and get a good view.

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

The desert caves of desire. Perfect!

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Thanks, Joshua

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Jun 26Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Some really lovely lines here, Paul.

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Thank you, Thomas

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Jun 26Liked by Paul Wittenberger

What language can ever hide desire, I suspect none. Each night the secret is said aloud.

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Language will always tell on us, give us away, and in the end, betray our secrets. I think that is what language is for: to reveal what is hidden, to make clear our intent.

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Perhaps pandora found language as well as hope inside Zeus wedding gift..

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Simply love this poem.

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Thank you, LeeAnn

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Just beautiful, Paul!

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Thank you, Sharon!

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger


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Thanks, Leon!

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Especially shiny objects!

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Outstanding, Paul. A beautiful poem.

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Thank you, Shondra

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger


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Thanks, Gary!

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

The last stanza—wow!

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Thank you, Diane

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Excellent, Paul. Always a pleasure.

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Thanks for the support, C.J.

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My pleasure, Paul. I enjoy your work.

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Jun 25Liked by Paul Wittenberger

It's so very beautiful.

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Thank you, Cynthia

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