
Thank you, @rena, for sharing this

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I parted with stuffed animals in my bed only after I had my first baby, and as we didn't have a crib yet, first couple nights I didn't sleep at all, I was so afraid you know. Then we tied two chairs together and put there a plastic bathtub, where she slept and it was small-she was so happy. In a couple weeks somebody very kind brought us their grandkids' old crib, and all the jazz, some linens, this and that. It was too expensive to get it new, out of question really

(I was young))

l'm going to think about that place where things come from the light only-thank you for leaving me with it-and memories, suddenly about other love -why?

how strange all is

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Thank you for reading, Chen, and for your comments. Always happy to see you here!

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

If desire could speak it would say these words

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Thank you, Patris. Perhaps it’s the poet in all of us who needs the words, while desire, quite often, needs none?

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It does not

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"Pressing my body

against your own

like the stuffed animal

of your childhood,

you are a light

holding me tight

against the dark chill

of the night"

We all crave this warmth.

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I think we do, Gloria, if only for the sense of security such gives, even though there’s much more to it, Thank you!

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The stuff of dreams, animals to snuggle between ; hardly any room for more ,specially when two tango-mango in the jungle. Luckily, the animals left long ago; snuggle bunnies rule the night.

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You always know what to say, Richard—Thank you!

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Jul 1Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I love how you write Paul. You paint a picture with your words. I really enjoy your writing. I hope you don't mind, some of your poems end up in my journals. I have been ill and haven't gotten around to posting mine yet. I promise to get to it soon. 39 yrs ago today I was in labor with my daughter. This made me think of her and the sweetness and wonder of having a newborn. As always thanks for sharing.

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What a great comment to wake up to, Penny! I am sorry you’ve been ill and I hope you feel better soon.

I take it as an honor that even one of my poems ends up in someone’s journal or notebook or diary so “some” doing so seems even better to me.

Thank you, Penny!

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Great poem , Paul . loved it . Peace to you

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Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, Mitch—I appreciate it

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I wonder what is prayer, and what prayer is worthy of being spoken? Perhaps the last lines of this poem would be a good place to start. To pray to bring this to pass…

where things happen

only because of the light

and never

because of the darkness.


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I think you’re right, Joshua

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My prayers, for whatever they’re worth, are with you, my friend.

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Keep coming back to this. Things needed by a child traded for sensual love.

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Or simply, perhaps, for the sense of security being held gives?

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Yes. I like that.

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Lovely passion, lovely moment. Great escape!

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Thank you, Peter

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I do enjoy all that smoochy, captive flowing stuff. The drama of desire is in all of us.

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Ain’t that the truth, Wes!

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Mmmm, soft and sensual. Nicely done, Paul. Thank you!



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Hugs received and returned—Thank you, C.J.

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I love the last stanza💙

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Thank you, Diane

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Jun 30Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I see your internet is working well :)

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Yes - The equipment arrived late Friday but I was able to install without a problem. :)

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Thank you for restacking this @Pamela

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Thanks to @Penny Briscoe for sharing this, I’m grateful

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