
Thanks to @Dave pearen for the restack

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The gale force winds fill the sails, but hoisted in calmer seas must be unfurled like the blouse tied in a knot and then to dance on mantle shelf. A moment of electricity short circuitry left with fires embers a glow. The ship sails to ports unknown. One cannot fight nor face the inevitable winds that may blow you off course. The pilot light is still in the stove ready to ignite and warm the next dish delight.

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I am interested in that next dish, Richard

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Tis a feast for eyes, a spicy summer surprise.

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A flower tale like a fish fry with suntan oiled smoothie lying on a wet towel. I could go on. You do inspire the oil dripping down a stream and my paddle is in my canoe.

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

A beautiful love story, Paul.

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Thanks, Rod

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Love a good sea story!

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Thanks for the weather report!

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Stormy, Stan, but they will survive

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

So beautiful.

Thanks, Paul.

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Thank you. Kevin

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

It’s too beautiful for me to even begin to describe the warm glow I got from reading your outstanding work. A lifetime of love, and obstacles overcome, together, conveyed in a magical mix of words. Well done, my friend .👏✍️

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

That pause reduces the gale to nothing. It’s everything.

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Everything ever so briefly perhaps, Patris. Thank you!

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

and even knowing this, we deserve more.

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

I love this tale, wonderfully written!

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Thank you, Jenn

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You’re welcome!

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Sailing is not for the faint of heart!

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Fair weather and following winds to you.

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I might get to go sailing on our lake this Summer, Malcolm—Arggh!

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My heart goes out to you. You write about love so wonderfully. Your words inspire me to be a better husband! I wish you every good thing! Daniel

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Sometimes easier to write about than to be in, Daniel

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Jun 23Liked by Paul Wittenberger

What a powerful poem. A moment paused in time’s Sweet jail. This jail, that feels so confining right now, is but a pause. A fleeting moment. I know that. I have to get perspective. So encouraging.

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It is a pause, Viola, respite from being buffeted by the gale of life for only a moment

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I can’t express fully how much I hope your relationship is like your poems! Daniel

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I played at love and lost, Daniel, but I can still write about it.

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"On the edge of dreams, we find at last

A moment paused in time’s sweet jail"

Mmm. Yes.

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Good Sunday, Mary, Thanks for reading and commenting

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Good Sunday to you, sir!

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Beautiful and musical.

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Thanks, Mike

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Jun 24Liked by Paul Wittenberger

Amazing poem, Paul!

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Thanks, Harun

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